Russian Dictionary



Description of многие

The word многие can be used with a noun (as a determiner) or without a noun. When it's used alone, it usually refers to a large number of people.



Many of my friends have kids.

Many of them don't even know about it.


a lot

A lot of people like tea.

A lot of students don't have money.


Acc.многие / многих

Real-life examples for многие

These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect our opinions or policies.

Большинство местоимений в русском языке изменяется по падежам, многие местоимения — по родам и числам.

Most pronouns in the Russian language change by case, many pronouns — by gender and numbers.


«Беспилотники — будущее, машины с искусственным интеллектом — уже разъезжают по мировым магистралям» — как-то так звучат многие научно-популярные статьи по этой теме.

"Drones are the future, machines with artificial intelligence are already driving around the world highways" — this is how many popular science articles on this topic sound.

"Когда в административном кодексе была статья "Попустительство", многие просто опасались сдавать в аренду свои помещения под игровые автоматы", - сказал он.

"When there was an article "Connivance" in the administrative code, many people were simply afraid to rent out their premises for slot machines," he said.

RIA Novosti

Бывало, что он целыми сезонами не выпускал из рук ружья, исходил тысячи вёрст по многим губерниям центральной полосы России.

It happened that for whole seasons he did not let go of his gun, he travelled thousands of miles across many provinces of the central strip of Russia.
