Russian Dictionary






I'm from Russia.

They are from Turkey.

What country are you from?

What city are you from?



He came out of the store.

Дети выбежали из дома.

The kids ran out of the house.

Он достал из кармана немного денег.

He took some money out of his pocket.

Я спросил из любопытства.

I asked out of curiosity.



Many of us knew about it.

This is one of the best series.

One of the students didn't pass the exam.

Real-life examples for из

These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect our opinions or policies.

"Однако обойтись совсем без мигрантов из стран СНГ город не сможет", - резюмировала Сахарова.

"However, the city will not be able to do without migrants from the CIS countries at all," Sakharova summed up.

RIA Novosti

Было закуплено около 44 тонн из Ботсваны, 9 тонн из Намибии, 51 тонна из ЮАР и 4 тонны из Зимбабве.

About 44 tons were purchased from Botswana, 9 tons from Namibia, 51 tons from South Africa and 4 tons from Zimbabwe.


"Instagram также не будет интегрироваться с Facebook Camera в ближайшее время, и закрывать разработку какого-либо из продуктов пока не планируется", — отметила Скоробогатова.

"Instagram will also not integrate with Facebook Camera in the near future, and it is not planned to close the development of any of the products yet," - said Skorobogatova.

RIA Novosti

"Сейчас готовится соглашение между двумя странами о транзите шведских военных и военной техники по российской железной дороге из Афганистана и обратно", — сказал Озеров.

"An agreement is being prepared between the two countries on the transit of Swedish military and military equipment via the Russian railway from Afghanistan and back," Ozerov said.

RIA Novosti


  • Из is a Russian preposition which means ‘from’, ‘out’ and ‘of’.
  • The word из is usually transliterated in English as ‘iz’.
  • Из has 2 letters.