Russian Dictionary


verb [imperfective]


Description of гулять

In meaning 1, the verb гулять is used to talk about walking for pleasure. It's not used to say that you're walking to a place.



I walk every day.

We often go for a walk.

They were walking in the park.


have fun


They had fun all weekend.

Yesterday they had fun at the wedding.

They like to have fun.




She left her husband because he was cheating on her.

Why do husbands cheat on their wives?

She found out that he is cheating.




I'm on vacation. I'm going to relax for a week.

They relaxed for two weeks.

We're going to relax for a whole month.

Present Tense

Он / Она / Оногуляет

Future Tense

Ябуду гулять
Тыбудешь гулять
Он / Она / Онобудет гулять
Мыбудем гулять
Выбудете гулять
Онибудут гулять

Past Tense


Real-life examples for гулять

These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect our opinions or policies.

Вдвоем мы часто гуляем по Москве, ходим в кино, в театры, или смотрим фильмы дома.

The two of us often walk around Moscow, go to the cinema, to the theaters, or watch movies at home.

«Если кошка гуляет рядом, когда мы едим, Усман пугается, что всех немного смешит», – сказал форвард немецкого «Айнтрахта».

"If the cat walks next to us when we eat, Usman gets scared, which makes everyone laugh a little," said the forward of the German Eintracht.

«А по темным улицам гуляет дождь» («Одинокий вечер») стала хитом сначала в Новом Уренгое, а затем и по всей стране.

"And the rain is walking through the dark streets" ("Lonely Evening") became a hit first in Novy Urengoy, and then throughout the country.

В этом мире вечной ночи сложно сказать, сколько вы уже гуляете, день сейчас или вечер.

In this world of eternal night, it's hard to tell how long you've been walking, whether it's day or evening.


  • Гулять is an imperfective Russian verb which means ‘walk’, ‘have fun’, ‘cheat’ and ‘relax’. The last three uses of гулять are colloquial.
  • As гулять is an imperfective verb, it can be used in the present, past and future tenses.
  • The word гулять is usually transliterated in English as ‘gulyat'’.
  • Гулять has 6 letters.